Saturday, January 12, 2013

Poems 2009 - 2010 (Part 1)

The following poems were first published between 2009 and 2010, though some of them were written in 2008.

1. A Voice in the Night

The tumult of day
recedes into evening,
a curtain of calm
descending at last,
warding off the noise
that distracts me;
time at last to think,
time to be me.
I release that voice
kept hidden inside,
listen to its fears,
and fear its doubts:
perhaps I dream too much,
perhaps not enough,
and perhaps my nightmares
will never see the light.
In these quiet moments,
I find myself reflected
in your distant face,
recognize your dreams
as shadows of my own,
and I pray that your fears
recede into evening
so those dreams may soar.

2. Acceptance

I know who I am,
the brief part I play
in the grim tragedy
we call existence;
I see no perfection,
assume no role
as judge and jury,
no righteous rage,
no condemnation
of human flaws.

I seek inner peace
in a time of turmoil,
when too much pain
overshadows life,
creating a winter
that knows no end
to the storms it inflicts.
So I shelter my soul,
simply awaiting the light
that offers release.

3. Across the Sea

Across the sea, so far away,
in a land where music flows
like a stream into the ocean,
a land where storied breezes blow
and the sun spreads golden rays,
there lives a sage, a man of song,
whose music will bring solace
to a soul that struggles long
to find its place upon the earth.
A man of joy, a man of peace,
who, like the magic bards of old,
will make our sorrows cease;
as we listen to the Siren call
that sounds within our ears,
no grief will strike our battered hearts,
no pain will bring forth tears.
For this one man will ever be
the stranger who reached out to me.

4. Across the Void

Carved by eternity, it stood
immobile, a canyon too deep,
a gulf between two solitudes
that would be one.

Alone on one side she sought
some way to overcome the gap,
and rest in joy beside him
when day was done.

His heart, reaching out to her,
yearned for a bridge between cliffs,
a secret passage to prevent
love destroyed.

Two souls, conceived so far apart,
refused to give in to despair,
for what is love but a reaching out
across the void?

5. After the Storm

Rain loudly pounding on the roof
at last diminishes into showers,
a gentle rain that nourishes the earth
as it warms to the call of spring;
water from heaven, bringing life,
marking the end of dark winter,
promising the blaze of summer.
In newfound peace I lie with you,
safely enclosed in your embrace --
you are my haven in fair wind or foul,
you offer me shelter, keep me anchored
in a world I cannot fully understand,
where I would ever drift in darkness
if not for your presence after the storm.

6. Anagnorisis

Can you feel the pain,
now understand the hurt
of words spoken in haste,
with no thought given
to the power they exert?
Words like daggers
cut deep into the heart,
leaving fatal scars,
the death of love;
words like poison
burn in the blood,
incinerating the soul.
The immortality of words,
once written, once said,
never to be erased,
and never forgotten;
too late to heal now,
no miracle waiting
to salvage the past --
only recognition.

7. Another Rainy Day: Barometer Down, Summer 2009

Clouds taint the sky,
never-ending rain,
incessant drumming
chilling my bones,
lifeblood of the earth
drowning my soul
as I thirst for the sun,
despair in the dark.

Hunched into myself,
I ford young rivers
running to the sea,
ignoring my presence,
determined only to meet
Mother Ocean’s foam,
lost children returning,
havoc in their wake.

Contagious gloom infects
a city losing strength,
sickened by storms,
crippled by winds;
I too feel diseased,
weak and delirious,
praying to survive
yet another rainy day.

8. Apollo

The Greek god strikes a handsome pose:
a golden cloak billowing out behind him,
thick locks of hair cascading around his face;
ever youthful, he strides with divine confidence,
brings the light of the Sun against Darkness,
encourages the treasured gifts of the Muses –
god of the dance, god of the lyre,
the ever perfect son of Zeus on high.

This very image of ancient beauty,
this consummate creation of the mythic mind,
this god of light was also the god of plague,
crushing good and evil alike under a hand
poised to dispense death and disease;
those who perished at his touch did not see
how beautiful was the face which erased
their lives in one brutal movement.

9. Ariadne on Naxos

No one ever heard them –
the words that she screamed
when nightfall descended
into desperate dreams,
when hope lay forsaken
in the well of lost days,
and courage meandered
through a minotaur maze.

No heroes came forward
with balm for her grief,
she hid in the darkness
like a penitent thief
till she had no words left
to hurl at the winds,
in silence she yielded
to the demon within.

10. As Christmas Ends

A quiet moment,
late at night,
time to reflect
on my blessings,
for being loved
despite my flaws,
and loving you,
the dark stranger
who brought light
in his heart.

Not long ago
I felt despair –
how life seemed
an empty vessel
bestowed on me
in mocking laughter;
but this chalice
your love filled,
making me whole,
giving me hope.

11. As Winter Ends

Bitter cold recedes,
a glacial retreat
as days become longer
and the dark gives way
to a new and hopeful light.
Winter defeats me:
I seek hibernation,
the sleeping of the soul,
escape from dogs of ice;
but the first warmth
of Spring awakens in me
the desire to dance,
to celebrate the return
of the life-giving Sun.
The day dawns bright,
bringing a new hope
that the dance I begin
will end in exultation,
that Winter is once more
nothing but a frozen memory.

12. At 4 AM

Sleep has abandoned me --
in the dark before dawn
I sit and listen to sounds
of the world stirring
in anticipation of light;
the stars remain fixed
for my eyes to gaze upon,
the sea is a clear mirror
for all of Creation.
I think back on yesterday,
on all my yesterdays,
in agonizing hindsight;
“if only”, “what if” resound
in a mind tired of sorrow,
seeking a way to escape
the labyrinth that holds me
lost and wandering in circles,
never finding lasting rest.
Then I look again skyward,
the stars that burn so bright
imprinting themselves on me,
so ancient while I am so young –
how many other sleepless eyes
have they looked down upon,
how many other troubled hearts
have they seen break and die?
In the face of the Universe
I am nothing, a speck of dust,
soon to be reduced to atoms,
and then I shall sleep well.

13. At Seventeen

At seventeen you knew the game
that life forced you to play,
you knew the rules and penalties,
yet played the game your way;

so what if others laughed at you,
or thought you played the fool  --
deep within your heart you found
lessons never learned at school:

that love was to be treasured,
the gift of God to human souls,
that strength of mind was paramount,
and would lead you to your goals.

Against the dark you stood your ground,
rejecting those who made you feel
that asking questions was unwise,
that only what they thought was real;

the path you chose could not be smooth,
but fraught with dangers still unseen,
yet watching how you made your way
made me proud of you at seventeen.

14. Autumn Winds

Howling, swirling around
like frenzied Bacchants,
biting into my flesh
as if a sacrificial offering,
demanding obeisance
with insistent blows,
autumn winds remind me
that winter’s god lies near,
Dionysus of the Snows
driving the light away,
preparing white blankets
to cover my soul –
the time of ever slowing,
the dark hibernation
inflicted on those like me,
we who worship Apollo
even as he abandons us
to the fist of November.

15. Baiting the Bear

They hate you for existing,
consider you not worthy
to wear the crown of life
and dance in the light.

A stain lies upon you,
the mark of the leper --
they cry out ‘unclean’
as you slowly pass by.

You try to ignore them
though anger fills you,
you try to be invisible
in the face of their wrath.

You know they are few,
their hatred well countered
by the love you receive
from more gentle hearts.

Let them bait the bear,
provoke you to anger –
you must not lash out,
you must instead forgive.

16. Bayside Cottage

Hidden away, deep in the forest,
a cottage awakens from slumber:
its roof clatters anew with the feet
of birds now returning to the north,
ready to nest again in the spruce;
around its walls red squirrels play
and stake their private territories;
the nearby bay has finally lost
the ice cap that it reluctantly wore
during the dark months of hibernation.
The long-idled boats are waking too,
ready to sail for another season,
eager to ride the gentle waves;
soon flowers will bring forth buds
and begin to carpet the ground
with myriad colours and forms.
The lonely bush is alive at last,
the harsh pall of Winter gone;
it sings an ode to Summer joys,
and beckons me to set my foot
where my heart is once more free,
resounding to the powerful beat
of Nature reborn, of Life itself
celebrating this humble patch of bush.

17. Before You

Let me tell you a story
of life before you,
when everything withered
and nothing was new –
imagine a flower
encased all in weeds,
with no power to blossom,
no scatter of seeds;
or conjure up sunsets
seen by no eye,
their glory unnoticed
and destined to die;
a song never sung,
a poem never read,
existing in shadows
where sadness is bred;
no hope of salvation
in a world growing dark,
a world without beauty,
a world with no spark.
This was my life
before you appeared,
a sheltered existence
with life itself feared;
but you took my hand,
and captured my soul
by offering love
and making me whole;
a chrysalis burst
to see the world new,
and all that it took
was the presence of you.

18. Being There

There at night,
in the silence
of the dark,
you come to me
like magic –
a smile arising
where pain had been,
a heart in tune
with my own.
And if at night,
in the same silence
I can ease your mind,
I shall also smile.
North and south,
reaching out in hope,
soul unto soul,
so much in common,
reaching out in love.

19. Beloved

In his arms there is no sorrow,
memories of the day recede
as if a veil has descended,
and I am safe.

His touch leads me into midnight,
a gentle guide that understands
the terror that can seize my soul
without warning.

With his kiss nothing else matters:
the universe could fall away,
the fabric of existence shred,
I would not care.

I become one with him in soul,
each a mirror of the other,
each unwilling to move away,
to be apart.

For him I would deny all else,
ignore the menacing darkness,
for he reminds me every night
that I am loved.

20. Blank Paper

An accusing, silent stare,
the urgent need for words
inscribed upon your surface,
absorbing each letter
like thirsty summer soil;
if only I had words –
new words, hopeful words
to make you smile,
even words of sorrow
that make you weep.

How I caress each word,
a sudden, divine gift
I never hoped to receive --
no longer am I mute,
unheard, unseen;
yet our love is dangerous,
for as I hold you close
you reveal too much,
the ultimate betrayal
blank paper demand.

21. Blessed Solitude

Too many voices are drowning
my senses in meaningless chatter,
a Tower of Babel stands where
ears are assaulted by endless noise.
Escape: I seek the blessed solitude
of the forest by the lonely sea
which time has gently passed by;
voices of Nature soothe my ears,
make tranquil my tormented soul.

A small cottage on a quiet shore
calls to me, singing a melody
like that of the Sirens of old;
but I fear no shipwreck there:
the Sirens of this place are gracious,
bestowing long awaited peace.
Yes, this world is too much with us,
so the poet once proclaimed --
I must leave before I am consumed.

22. Blood on the Ground

She was minding her business,
looking after her stuff,
when you came along
and got really rough –
you bashed her up good,
and told her she’s crap,
you may as well rape her
and call it a wrap;
but the fault was all hers,
because she was there,
the handiest target
for a bully to scare.

She really deserved it
for being a broad
who stood up to you,
you wanna-be god;
and yes, you’re the victor,
you’ll get away clean,
and brag to your buddies
about being so mean;
it’s such fun being violent
with no cops around,
so just let her lie there,
her blood on the ground.

23. Broken Heart

He stood in the rain,
impervious to the chill,
deaf to the traffic
passing him by;
alone in his new world,
a world without her,
inconceivable thought,
unimaginable loss.

Defeated by darkness,
his tears one with the rain,
lamenting an emptiness
like none ever known;
he felt nothing now,
and all he heard
was the muted sound
of a broken heart.

24. By My Side
I may never sail the stars
or hold a rainbow in my hand,
but even on the darkest day
I see the beauty of this land.
I may never grasp a floating cloud
or dance with angels high above,
but even when my aim falls short
I am supported by your love.
And even when the night is long,
the moon a crescent in the sky,
no regrets will seize my soul
as long as you are by my side.

25. Catharsis 

She could only smile for so long,
repressing anger deep within,
trying to prevent its explosion
by putting on a comic mask.
Ignition must come in the end,
triggered by some word or deed
that reopens festering wounds,
makes her remember the things
she has tried so hard to forget.

To reveal her torment to others
is not easy: no one wants to hear
the tragic song that brings unease.
Yet philosophers spoke of catharsis --
the cleansing of the soul achieved
by the recognition of angry reality;
her pent up wrath released in song,
the spirit now at last returns to rest,
the comic mask again upon her face.

26. Catharsis of the Soul

Chaos rules the world
and infects our minds,
madness all around us,
erasing voices of sanity.
I try to make sense
of the feelings within me --
the fierce rage of anger,
the sad longing for love --
but all I have are words:
words created by the pen
that rests in my hand,
ever waiting to sing aloud
like the cruel Sirens of old.
Yet these powerful words
bring not fatal destruction,
but a catharsis of my soul,
purging my roiling emotions
and freeing me from fear –
the fear of ultimate exposure
as I unveil myself to you;
deny the power of the poem
and I walk again in Chaos.

27. Celebration

Time has brought another summer,
fragrant with the smell of flowers
escaping the confining earth,
free to greet the growing sun;
I celebrate this resurrection,
light from winter’s darkness,
a world reborn once more,
the fear of death cast off.
We join hands to take part
in the dance of life triumphant ,
each knowing that our love
has banished ice-fed demons;
and when the seasons turn again,
and the sunlight starts to dim,
we shall cherish this moment,
our sacred affirmation of love.

28. Christmas Eve on the Streets

The old man lives in a cardboard house,
collecting soiled newspapers for warmth,
and stares at the woman with a shopping cart
who looks for cigarette butts on the sidewalk;
across the street the junkie kid juices up,
the dull and dirty needle violating her flesh,
while a thug with no name flicks his knife,
hoping a stranger will take a wrong turn tonight.
On the other side of town, Christmas lights blaze
as last minute shoppers open their wallets
to buy yet another superfluous gadget,
ignoring the woman at the Sally Ann kettle;
from a church joyous hymns are heard,
voices praising God for the gift of His Son,
repeating the glad tidings of so long ago
while contemplating tomorrow's sumptuous feast.
An lone man, almost invisible in his black coat,
walks from one side of town to the other,
takes the abuse of the angry schizophrenic
with no money or will to treat his disease,
listens to the cliched wishes of the well-to-do
for peace on earth and good will to everyone,
while poverty and war overrun the planet,
and begs His Father to forgive them all.

29. Civil War

A savage battle rages deep,
a civil war tearing me apart,
two souls in a single body --
one is straining towards light,
rejoicing in love, reaching out
to grasp the hands of others
extended in gentle friendship;
the other dwells in darkness,
always despairing of tomorrow,
always hiding far from those
who cannot comprehend
the fierce struggle taking place.
This dark soul finds life in death,
peace in dissolution of the flesh --
I stand on a twisting balance,
battered by these hostile forces,
praying to see the battle end
but ever fearful of the victor.

30. Coming Home

You gave me the wings
to travel far away,
the courage to venture
to places unknown;

you set me on the path
to find out who I am,
chrysalis emerging
into a woman grown.

You tended me with love,
not falling back in fear
or rejecting the seed
so imperfectly sown;

wherever fortune leads,
whatever fate intends,
I am forever grateful,
and always coming home.

31. Contradiction

Contradiction personified,
hiding so much anger,
holding so much love,
sometimes her silence
brings me terror,
and I fear she is lost;
then she laughs
and the clouds break,
I see a glimpse of her
that enchants me.
I may never know
who she really is,
but it matters not:
she has claimed
a place in my heart,
and will remain there.

32. Conversation
A stonemason and a carpenter
met one day along a winding road,
both knowing well the lasting pain
of hearts that bear a heavy load,

and each a man in search of peace
in times when anger ruled all souls,
despairing of the wicked wrath
that turned men from their gentle goals,

that caused the Good to flee the earth
and Love to shroud its head in pain
as mankind turned its back on hope
and fell to sin in search of gain.

They talked of torment they had known –
the hemlock and the wooden cross –
how what they taught was pushed aside
by those who wandered weak and lost,

yet each had faith the time would come
when evil hearts would pass away,
and so did one pull out his nails
as one set down his cup of clay.

33. Crossroads
Our lives exist at crossroads:
the paths we choose are random,
uncertain, filled with dangers
we cannot even imagine.
Yet not to choose means death:
we make the choice and move on,
hoping Time will grant us grace;
but on that fearful journey
never forget to love,
to reach out to other pilgrims,
to say I forgive you, and,
at last, find rest in silent peace.

34. Cry in the Night

I hear your voice
cry out in pain,
lamenting what life
has done to you,
never ending turmoil,
never enough time
to enjoy the sunlight,
to run wild in the rain.

You seek escape --
a tranquil place
where you are free
simply to exist:
no more demands,
no more torment,
just the peace of being
and the joy of silence.

I wish I could give you
the life you deserve,
the solace you seek;
I wish I could tell you
all will be well in time,
your dreams come true;
but all I can offer is love,
my cry joined with yours.

35. Damaged

The power of words:
the precision of lasers
focussed on the heart,
burning into fragments
what had been whole;
and you, the surgeon,
in cold arrogance
disdaining the patient
as unworthy of your skill.

The power of words:
once spoken, ever present,
and indelibly inscribed
forever on the soul,
a mocking reminder
of one’s imperfection,
relegating to darkness
the rose broken by life,
damaged by thorns.

36. Dare to Dream

The ghosts of my past
chase sleep away,
leaving me restless
as dawn creeps in;

a sliver of sunlight
captures my eyes --
an image of hope,
promise of new days?

Why dream of tomorrow
when darkness is still close,
and thoughts of yesterday
refuse to leave my mind?

Trapped in the past,
unable to break free,
held by invisible chains
to never-fading images;

no hope lies there:
if I seek freedom,
I must banish my ghosts
and dare to dream today.

37. Darkness and Dreams

The contradictions of life snare us all:
into webs of purest silk, strong and fatal,
we pour our darkness and our dreams.
When the heart is clouded with pain
no light can ease the torment:
all we see are nightmares of the soul,
condemning us to suffer without end.
Yet nightmares are but dreams awry,
dreams that turn on us in anger;
regain the dream, find the light
that lives even in the blackest cloud.
Darkness and dreams, complementary
and contradictive, make us human,
lead us on the paths we travel;
they are companions on the journey,
they are the journey itself.

38. Daydream

I push the world aside,
weary of the noise
buffeting my ears,
the senseless babble
of a million voices;
I send my mind away
on a far-flung cosmic quest,
the wonder of Creation
calling out to my soul,
a promise of eternal peace.
I gaze at stars transcendent,
galaxies that pirouette
to music never heard before,
and my ears are cleansed
in this divine libation;
if only I could remain here,
orbiting a nascent star,
with you alone beside me,
binary souls set free at last
to dance in loving harmony.

39. December 6, 1917: The Day Halifax Died: In Memoriam

War raged,
but far away,
in distant lands
across the sea,
where men died
and lay unburied
in fields of mud;
news came home
of brothers dead,
sons no more to love,
husbands gassed,
lungs on fire.
But Halifax was safe,
life struggled on
despite the loss
each family mourned,
until two ships met
in a fatal embrace
within the harbour
and the city fell,
erased from earth
in a mere second,
as if some giant foot
had crushed its bones.
The survivors emerged
into mangled ruins,
the war come home
in ways unimaginable;
schools vanished,
hospitals burning,
corpses heaped up
for rapid burial.
Yet, from these ruins,
arose a Phoenix –
leaving ash behind
but never forgotten.

40. December Blight

December falls upon the land,
a curtain drawn by an unseen hand,
too swift the sunlight disappears
to leave behind souls crushed by fears;
in darkness monsters claw the heart
as hopeful dreams haste to depart,
and nurture only nightmares doomed
to trace our steps from room to room.

December seeps into the ground,
a poison with no elixir found,
and those infected must endure
a pain that knows no human cure;
and so we wait with eyes downcast,
abiding each new blow and blast,
till January’s healing light
puts an end to December blight.

41. December Song

The dying year brings darkness,
the fevered chill of icy gales,
rain that falls in endless storms
to make the human spirit fail.
But in the dark skies high above,
far constellations offer light,
the promise that rebirth is near
fills the gloom of this winter night.

The month to dawn brings solace:
behold a new year reaching out
to clasp our hearts in joy reborn
and banish soul-destroying doubt.
The light of life will soon return
and bring new growth upon the land,
and, as the seasons make their round,
God will hold us in His hand.

42. Delusion

I once thought you kind:
even in your confusion
I sensed a gentle soul
lying dormant within,
a tree awaiting spring
to embrace life again.

The hurtful things you said
I came to brush aside,
assign them to ignorance
of the power of words;
forgiveness came easy
when I thought you kind.

But now I see you clearly,
embracer of the dark,
and perceive why you hide;
and so I take my leave,
for I now know better
than to love delusion.

43. Disguise

You try so hard to smile,
to stop the tears from flowing,
to pretend that all is well.
You paint a grin upon your face,
dress yourself in brightest hues,
so vibrant that no one call tell
how much your heart is breaking,
or how deep the wounds you suffer;
they cannot understand the pain
or feel the emptiness inside,
that gnawing, hungry beast
that turns you to the Dark once more.
You reach out for a hand to grasp,
someone to lead you from the edge
where you stand alone and wonder
if the sun will ever shine for you,
or if the fragile craft you sail
will stay afloat another day.

44. Divided Soul

Part of her speaks softly,
freely offers an embrace,
but part of her is eager
to spit into your face,
a Janus in her spirit
will never let her sleep,
taunting her each evening
with dreams beyond her keep;
at times I think I know her
and hold her in my heart,
until the Janus reappears
and tears her mind apart,
so all I have are fragments
and not a living whole,
yet never shall I turn away
from this divided soul.

45. Dragon (Eclipse)

A dragon creeps
above my head
as I gaze upon
a startled orb,
her serene face
now in danger
of being burned
by fiery breath.

Once, in ages past,
this hungry beast
foretold sorrows
beyond imagination:
drought and disease,
towers thrown down
and cities laid waste,
death to innocents.

Now telescopes peer
as a carnival unfolds,
a spectacle for those
who banish dragons,
while growing darkness
devours my soul,
reflecting the beast
that creeps within.

46. Dream Big

So much lies ahead –
the world unfolding
like a nascent flower
in spring’s warm embrace,
the chill of winter gone.
Greet each day with hope,
celebrate your existence
and smile at the future,
for, whatever the pain,
there will also be joy
and love awaiting you.
Be patient, sleep well,
and, always and ever,
let your dreams be big.

47. Dreams and Desperation

You entered my life in silence,
emerging from the shadows
cast by curtains of the mind,
desire fulfilled.

Alive within me, but still a ghost,
now free to haunt my soul,
one I loved but could not hold,
denied existence.

A pilgrim lost in desert sands
might pray for one like you –
water to quench his growing thirst,
saviour oasis.

Born of dreams and desperation –
how I reach to feel your flesh,
then recoil into dark reality,
hopeless mirage.

48. Drifting

In the dark of night
your sorrows grow,
to seize your heart
so hard you know
that peace is lost,
you sail alone
adrift in despair,
no anchor stone
to hold you fast;
fierce winds arise
ripping your sails,
salt in your eyes,
tears of the lover;
but all storms end,
their fury depleted,
and the sun will send
calm breezes soon;
hold fast your course
while love recovers
its clement force.

49. Drowning

The weight upon my soul
seems to grow as if alive,
a cancer made of lead
that dares me to survive;
drowning in the waters
from which I once arose,
temptation to surrender,
go with the ocean’s flow,
and set aside the sorrows
that leave me with no tears,
set aside the anger,
and set aside the fears,
not struggle any longer
against the call of Fate,
to know that peace will come –
and yet to hesitate:
perhaps time still exists,
enough to heal my heart,
so I no longer founder,
nor hasten to depart.

50. Drowning in Silence

The weight upon her tongue,
invisible anchor,
holds her in the silence
of the sea at dusk;
those who yearn to comfort
raise black sheets in silence,
shut out from her sorrow
as if intruding.

The tears of Niobe,
punishment for speaking,
perhaps provide warning
to sail in silence;
muted by crushing waves,
she retreats into depths
beyond the reach of ears,
drowning in silence.

51. Easter Song

He cast his line into the sea
just as the sun lit up the sky,
alone within the tranquil waves,
with no alarm at clouds on high.
The waters yielded to his rod
as if he were a welcome friend,
and not a solitary man
who would not stand with them again.
Each cast brought bounty to his hand,
enough to feed the hungry poor
who took no pleasure from the sea,
but only feared its savage roar.
And once the catch was large enough
the fisher turned to other goals –
he put away his rod and line,
then gave himself to save their souls.

52. Enchanted Place

I thought I saw the stars
cavorting in the sky,
what joyful light arose
from waltzes danced on high;

I thought I saw the sea
relaxed in peaceful bliss,
reaching to the shoreline
as if with tender kiss.

I though the world was mine
with happiness unbound,
with painted clouds aloft
and flowers on the ground;

all this and more came here,
to this enchanted place,
for, as I looked around,
I thought I saw your face.

53. Endless Rain

Rain pounds the roof,
lashes the trees
and crushes flowers
like paper toys;
it never stops,
its rage eternal
and implacable,
an elemental force
beyond my ken.

I walk amid the storm,
let it surround me;
in the water at my feet
I see only myself,
my weary expression
echoing the gloom
that pervades everything.
My eyes beg for the sun,
for one day with no rain.

54. Enigmatic Mode

I am an enigma even to myself,
my mind so often a cauldron
filled with roiling emotions,
out of control, sometimes,
feeling alone, so many times,
even in the embrace of love.
The winter child, fair of face
but hiding such painful scars,
always reaching out for love,
never believing it was hers already.
Yet, even when I lose myself
in the black reaches of my soul,
I feel the coming of the light
to rescue me, to pull me back.
I remain an enigma to be solved,
but know I exist for some reason.

55. Even in Silence

Love exists without words,
even in silence my heart speaks
to you of a bond everlasting,
a tie that cannot be broken;
Love exists even in darkness
when the soul despairs,
it carries a torch to light
your way back to sunshine.

Love exists beyond reason,
an elemental force alive within,
a passionate faith that affirms
we are never completely alone;
Love exists beyond boundaries,
even should we never touch
my love for you will remain,
reaching out to dry your tears.

56. Faith

Old-fashioned, out of tune
with these modern times –
you say faith is false,
that God departed long ago,
if He ever existed.
But look at the stars,
see galaxies adrift
in an unending cosmos:
how does this exist,
why does this exist?

Physics, you say, and
smile at my naivete,
a patronizing glance;
God, I say, and regret
your loss of faith,
for when I am lost,
I look at the heavens
and find loving grace,
mercy most pure, and,
above all, forgiveness.

57. Fantasy

All she ever wanted was to belong,
to find her place like the rest,
not to look through windows closed
to keep her outside and alone.
But nothing ever seemed to work,
no word she spoke, no deed she did
could drive away the hollowness
she felt consume her lonely soul.
Condemned to her dark solitude,
she took refuge in bright fantasy,
imagining a world without hurt
where those like her could live;
but soon the fantasy claimed her,
no longer did she seek acceptance,
but lost herself in magic dreams,
and dreamt that she was loved.

58. Far Away

Far from the sea
but close in my heart,
distance irrelevant
when love exists;
my mind reaches out,
traces your footsteps
on far away soil,
follows your path.
I walk beside you
in rain and darkness,
guarding my guardian
against the night;
two pilgrims in life,
on roads now apart
but soon to unite –
for love exists.

59. Far from Home

A dark Winter day:
a far away look
in your eyes
as a land calls,
sings your name
in the rising wind;
your soul remains
on the vast prairie,
under a sky clear
and nurturing 
majestic hawks
that soar so free.
Unbound you are
in this ancestral land,
released from fog
and endless cloud;
soon to return
and walk the soil,
feel her sunlight
embrace you,
touch the earth
with a spirit
that soars here,
among the hawks.

60. Fighting the Wind

Present but untouchable,
near but unreachable –
I am fighting the wind
slamming hard into me
with the force of a gale,
ever pushing me back
where I have no wish to be.
I can only rage in return,
desperate to end the combat
even if I must perish.
I grow tired of the battle
and offer up my paltry arms,
no longer the brave Viking.
In the eye of the storm
beckons an oasis of calm:
it is there I must go,
leaving the wind to others
more courageous than I.

61. Fire in the Sky

A pulsing beacon calls me back,
warning me of rocks near by
where ancient sailors met their fate,
where ruins of rotting ships still lie.
Will I reach my home this starless night,
escape the danger stalking me,
steer my boat to friendly shores,
not fall a victim to the Sea?

My dreams depend upon this light,
my life held in its weathered hand,
one final run against the wind,
to beach my craft upon the land.
I was not meant to stray so far,
a task for one more skilled than I,
a captain bold, in a ship well built --
how I watch that fire in the sky.

62. Flying

Feeling free,
wind lifts me up,
high above sorrow,
high above hurt;
the clouds below
seem small now,
unable to storm
upon my soul.

Feeling alive,
love lifts me up,
far from anger,
far from hatred;
my heart is filled
with sunlight,
cares cast aside:
at last I am flying.

63. For D.
Deep dark eyes, smiling at me with love,
knowing the torment, understanding
the secret pain, never wavering in fear.
The gentle touch of your embrace,
the soft kiss, the hand touching mine:
the poet struggles in vain for words
to offer you, words to express the love,
words that mean nothing without the love
that bears them to this empty page.
Love: how I once thought love elusive,
an autumn leaf adrift upon the northern wind,
flying far across meadows, beyond mountains,
not to be grasped by my trembling hand;
yet you saw me as I am and did not hesitate
to catch the leaf and bring it safely to me.
The bond we forged has grown more powerful
as the years rush by, years silently heralding
what must come soon: the Leaving –
not what we wish, but what must be.
Long ago, the haggard Fates determined
my thread was short, easily broken,
unable to long endure the pain of life;
still you did not doubt, did not turn away
to seek a safer kind of love, less hurtful.
My heart and yours forever one:
even Death will bow before this love,
knowing that two souls are joined forever,
destined to ride the autumn winds.

64. Forever Reaching Out

Forever reaching out,
peninsula to sea,
a mutual embrace
to set each other free;
no boundaries exist
as waves regain the shore,
elemental passion
asunder nevermore.

Forever reaching out
I took his hand in mine,
the son of distant land
adorned with spruce and pine,
and I the ocean child
found love upon my shore,
peninsula and sea
asunder nevermore. 

65. For Sam

Life imitates the honey bee:
it brings much sweetness
as well as many painful stings,
and, at times, the grief of life
overshadows all happiness.
Bruised by such moments,
look far ahead: you will see
love and peace awaiting you,
arms open wide in embrace.
The passage will never be easy,
and the wounds will ever exist,
but we need that hurt inside
to remind us we are human,
not perfect, not without sin,
but always moving forward,
to explore being human.

66. Friendly Fire

Friendly fire still burns,
inflicts even deeper wounds
than those of the enemy;
you never see it coming,
never think to look that way,
where safety ought to lie.
Yet those who send this fire
do so in ignorance, unaware,
oblivious to your presence
on a common battlefield.

We are taught to forgive
those who know not what they do,
yet can forgiveness heal
the jagged wounds you bear?
Friendly fire: ironic, savage,
masking the brutal harm done
by those who should know better;
tonight I think of your pain,
pray that whatever Power exists
will mercifully bring you sleep.

67. Friends and Lovers

You entered my life gently,
a single act of kindness
revealing the soul that made us

Trusting you with my dreams,
I also exposed my sorrows,
secure that we would always be

Yet now we share another love:
selfless, eager to embrace
all that life may bring us as

A sweet transition: friendship
blooming into love most pure,
a joining of the spirit in

The passing years make clear
how much of me exists in you,
how we share a bond unique:
friends and lovers.

68. Garda

The waters of Lake Garda,
Verona’s cobbled lanes –
all have known Catullus,
live onward in his fame;
the modest country villa
that sheltered him from Rome,
what poems of love he wrote
at peace within his home.

A pilgrim comes unbidden
to share the poet’s cure,
with love to celebrate,
and hatred to endure;
come, waters of Lake Garda,
receive this newfound guest,
think back upon Catullus
and grant me equal rest.

69. Gentle Man

Gentle man with soaring dreams,
too shy and innocent to know
the heavy clouds that gather
to scoff at those below,
the mountains in the distance
to bar the path you choose,
the spinning wheel of Life 
with so many doomed to lose
the hopes they nourished once,
the wagers made in trust
that fair fortune lay ahead
beyond their hometown dust.

Gentle man, you now can see
that limits are imposed,
how for every door ajar,
many more are bolted closed;
yet even with diminished dreams
you walk your rock strewn road,
still intent to lend your hand
to those with harsher loads,
to offer love to one like me,
in fear to walk alone –
gentle man with broken dreams,
how mighty have you grown.

70. Ghost Ship

Far out on the sea
and heading for home
a stately tall ship
had no more to roam;

her journey was over,
the winds had been kind,
no storms came along
to burden her mind.

The halcyon days
had given her wings,
“the fastest of ships”
her figurehead sings;

but empty the docks
and empty the shore,
no sign of the men
who lived there before;

no voices called out
to welcome her back,
silence embraced her –
the day became black.

Time ceased to exist,
a ghost she became,
invisible now,
a ship with no name;

but once in a while,
when the hour is late,
some say they see her
ablaze in the strait.

71. Gift from Afar

A package came the other day,
a priceless treasure you had found
and kindly thought to send along
to help my spirit soar unbound.
I listened to the heavenly choir
discovered by your loving hand,
their voices full of hope and faith
to help my struggling soul now stand
and sense the gracious peace of God
as it penetrates deep within,
so quick to heal the wounds we bear,
removing scars of ancient sin.
I pray such peace may now descend
upon that spirit of your own,
that you may know the greatest joys
that any man has ever known.

72. Go Gentle

A life not measured in years
brings us together this day,
in celebration of a love
ever in our hearts to stay,
for Time can never erase
the mark of a generous soul,
her laughter making us smile,
and her love making us whole.
Memories etched upon our hearts
bring comfort to our grieving,
and in the days ahead we know
her love is never leaving,
but will remain with us forever,
a beacon shining with the light
created by the love she gave --
go gentle into that good night.

73. Going Home

Going home –
just a journey
to another place,
back in time,
a blurred image.

Far distant days
you barely remember,
yet the spirit calls,
entices you back,

To remake the past,
to fix the broken
or mend a tear
that split your soul
when you were young?

Going home –
you never really do,
simply a visitor
in search of something
lost long ago.

74. Guardian

No arrows pierce my flesh,
no stones can bring me pain,
I dread no more the chill
that comes from endless rain.
Clouds give way to sunlight,
wild waves submit to calm,
no blast of wind remains
to bring my soul to harm.
Impervious I am,
a fortress beyond reach,
with walls of granite stone
no enemy can breach.
In courage I stand firm,
reject the cloak of fear,
for nothing can intrude
as long as you are near.

75. Guardian Angels

Dark clouds overwhelmed me,
and I sank, stone-like, into them,
hoping to lose myself, to hide
from the madness raging within,
to escape an angry world.
But you gently pulled me back,
embracing me with a love
that would not let me fall.
Guardian angels must exist:
who else could have led me
into your distant worlds,
brought me to a special place
where caring hands reached out
and strangers drove the mists away.

76. Hands Across the Sea

The distance that divides us
vanishes in a second:
you are there, with me,
even if unseen.

No need of eyes to see the face,
nor ears to hear the voice:
our souls reach out
and connect, fuse into one.

A union once impossible:
stranded on our separate shores,
we could not have known
the power of this friendship.

Even should we never meet,
I am stronger for your presence,
I am wiser for your counsel,
and I am forever grateful.

77. Hard Drive Supernova

My brain begins to reel,
causing me to stagger,
lights are flashing
all over my hard drive;
critical failure,
illegal command –
the program will terminate.
Neurons explode,
going supernova,
the universe ceases to exist,
gravity and dark matter
combining to crush me.
I can compute no longer,
binary forms fade,
numbers dancing away,
light into darkness;
I must shut down,
try to reboot again.

78. Holiday Blue

A circle of happiness:
within, laughter and smiles,
protected by defensive walls
from darkness and gloom;
eat and be merry:
all is well in the world.
Outside, tears and sorrow
in those unable to enter
the citadels of mirth.
I stand on the battlement,
a foot in each camp,
never fully within
and never fully without;
vicarious joy in my heart
fails to dismiss
the emptiness I feel.
I shall eat and be merry,
partake of the fellowship,
then quickly retreat 
to the enemy ranks.

79. Horizon

The horizon stretches forever,
like the vastness of creation;
there is space here to take wing
and soar into the dome of heaven.
So small I feel set beside this land,
insignificant and invisible,
yet also akin to these surroundings,
breathing in the scent of the prairie.
Far from the sea that gave me birth,
I roam upon the spreading plains
that once sustained a proud people
who did not know my ocean home;
we are earth and water now combined,
you and I, as we walk on hallowed ground,
pilgrims on a quest for serenity,
the peace pervading this big sky.

80. Howling Rage

She sits, like the Pythia,
at a strange oracle,
listening to voices
emanating from a chasm;
she hears their howls of pain,
desperation, lack of hope,
their need to be loved,
their need to be heard;
these voices assault her,
she begins to reach out
but finds only thin vapour,
nothing of substance.

Like the ancient priestess,
she tries to breathe in,
to inhale the torment
before it disperses;
then mystic speech comes,
promising salvation,
promising to end the wounds
they inflict on themselves --
will they hear her cries,
these voices of rage,
and see that love begins
only by loving themselves?

81. Hydra

The nine-headed serpent slithers
its way to wherever you are,
no path lies free from its poison,
a venom that travels so far
that you can never escape it
or end its flow with a dagger –
cut off one head and two others
seek you out with crude swagger.

Far better then to stand stalwart,
armed with a torch held on high,
taunting the creature from Hades
and spitting a curse in its eyes;
burn off each head as it hovers,
seal up the wound before birth,
ignore the false tears it will shed –
such evil belongs in the earth.

82. Ice Bound

How you danced in sunlight
upon the waters of the bay
when clearing skies sent steady winds
to speed you on your way,
to banish all oppressive clouds
and set your gliding spirit free,
while rain descended elsewhere
so you could dance with me.

But summer flew too quickly
and our dancing time is done,
for you must leave your moorings
till dark Winter’s ice has gone;
your mast lies still upon the shore,
your sails are hung to dry,
I gaze upon your naked self
and my soul begins to cry.

Another summer come and gone,
its presence all too brief,
just hiding in the heavens
like a slyly smirking thief,
and as I stow your sheets away,
deep sadness steals my heart
at the lonely months ahead
when I must dance apart.

83. Idyl

Carry me where the Sun glows warm,
where fields are bathed in vivid green,
and let me place my wind-swept head
by graceful flowers never seen,
whose vibrant rainbow-coloured buds
will sparkle in the morning light,
where I can lay my body down
and find sweet dreams to last the night.

Let my spirit soar to meadows
with crystal waters flowing by,
let me climb a lofty mountain
and feel my hand grasp at the sky;
take me far from crimson battles, 
my soul so burdened by their weight,
grant me the gift of peaceful life,
a world without the sting of hate.

Or do I fool myself to dream
of lands where peace rules over all,
where people pass their days in joy,
and never hear war’s clarion call?
I pray to any gods there are
that I may find the calm I seek,
and feel the healing force of love
before my spirit falls too weak.

84. If Only

If only I could dry your tears,
tears that flow so endlessly,
tears that create rivers of pain
and slowly merge into the sea.
If only I could make you smile,
a smile to banish every fear,
a smile to endure for all of time,
and give you strength when death is near.
If only I could hold you close
and never let you go away,
if only I could do all this
I would not cry with you today.

85. In Darkness

The flames flared up again last night,
the dragon bellowed in his lair
as if aroused from hungry sleep
and knowing I would still be there;
I felt his breath upon my flesh
and heard the song he always sang:
“come dance with me this evening fair,
embrace the rapture of my fang,”
but as I fought against his might,
another voice called out to me,
a softer song just barely heard
with solemn vows to set me free,
and arms reached out to hold me close,
unsinged by terrors born of flame,
in darkness beating back the beast
by simply whispering my name.

86. In Friendship

A friend is a gift
you never expected,
a warming smile
when life seems cold,
a sparkling word
to light the dark,
a soft touching
of your heart.
Treasure your friends:
they will smile
with you,
they will cry
with you,
they will understand
what you
say and do
when no one else can.
Good friends are rare,
precious gems
you would not trade
for bags of gold,
precious souls
you would never hurt.
Reach out to them 
in their sorrow,
make them smile again.

87. In Gratitude

Perhaps she travels far afield
just to see what lies beyond,
to break the ties that keep her where
she never feels that she belongs;
some Shangri-La must lie ahead
where misfits may discover peace,
where tranquil rivers whisper
promises of sweet release.

The anchor stone around her soul
assumes an overwhelming weight,
and she must plan a quick escape
lest she succumb to angry fate;
so ever on a pilgrimage
she wends her way from place to place,
but looking back along the road,
she thanks you for your gift of grace.

88. In Her Eyes (M.R.)

In her eyes I see the sorrow
over things that never were,
the long held dreams abandoned,
their wonders ever lost to her,
the unknown path she’d chosen
as familiar roads were scorned,
so long a journey now complete,
the past a remnant to be mourned.

In her eyes I see reflection,
the counting up of years gone by,
the ledger given every soul
when final days are drawing nigh,
and as I gaze upon her face,
at scars so wide and deeply hewn,
I pray that love will ease the pain
of one whose dying came too soon.

89. In Solitude, 1

In solitude I find release,
embrace its presence as a gift,
the balm to banish baneful words
that cannot cross my silent rift;
to stand apart from warriors
who take delight in victory,
who always think the wrongs they do
escape the eyes of history.

In solitude I leave behind
the tattered remnants of my soul,
unwilling to become a part
of hydras with a vengeful goal,
who dare to speak of tolerance
as long as they can hold the reigns,
and use the power granted them
to garner only selfish gains.

In solitude I hear the sounds
of creatures with no wealth to seek,
and faithful to Socratic sight
I take my place among the meek.

90. In Solitude, 2

A phantom in the distance,
far away from prying eyes,
I contemplate the kindness
of these silent midnight skies,
of stars that never wonder
who I am or what I do,
who never proffer judgement
born of words that are untrue.

A pilgrim on a journey,
a quest for preservation,
to save my soul from arrows
that strike with condemnation,
I will not ask forgiveness
for words I never uttered,
free in peace among the pines
that keep my presence shuttered.

Do not come to seek me out,
but listen to the winter winds,
my words will ride their currents
till a gentler time begins;
but now I curse raw anger,
hatred that demands I flee
to heal my wounds in darkness,
in shadows of society.

91. In the Dark

Fire-bringer Prometheus,
chained to his distant crag,
enduring endless torment
for the clever gift of flame --

the ashes in the woodstove
were once living poems,
the fire of Prometheus
also brings oblivion.

The good and the bad:
we spend our lives judging,
employing the balance
in our own fiery minds;

that which is deemed unfit,
fails to meet our standards,
we consign to destruction,
to eternal damnation by fire.

I give these pieces of my soul
to the god of light and fire,
I surrender to Prometheus
and sit alone, in the dark.

92. In the Shadow

In the shadow of my life
you stand so strong,
never wavering,
hands outstretched,
a heart so filled with love
that cascades over me,
cleansing my dark-struck soul.
You bring me light
and give me hope,
expecting nothing in return;
you are the other,
never standing in the spotlight,
never winning applause.
Yet this matters not to you:
in the shadow of my life
you play your loving part
in joy, enduring
pain you could avoid,
suffering for me.
Love is the bond:
all that you have given me,
selfless and caring –
I exist only because
you stand in the shadow.

93. Invisible Presence

A storm without warning
descended in anger,
and all on the ocean
fell prey to a danger
that never relented,
and never surrendered,
till waves carried flotsam
and all dreams had ended.

But as I was drowning
in this realm far from land,
an invisible presence,
with unwavering hand,
took hold of my spirit
with no hesitation,
at dawn I awoke at
the grace of salvation.

94. Islands of my Heart

Cradled on the waves,
two children of ocean
sing a siren song
I cannot resist,

luring me to barren rocks
and fields in flowers,
alike and yet so different,
their calls persist.

To choose impossible:
I plant my heart in both,
sharing my summer dreams
in equal measure,

hoping each will understand
the divided love I feel,
and grant my soul to dance
among such treasure.

95. January Faith

She glanced upon the year just passed
in wonder at the paths she chose,
a turning here, a detour there,
and how it ended she now knows;
perhaps another choice at times,
perhaps another word or two –
the past seems like a game of chance:
the die is cast by what you do.

Regret and satisfaction both
will mark the dawn of this new year,
with lessons learned, and wisdom gained
to counter any new born fear;
she knows the past cannot be changed,
it follows like a spectral wraith --
but if gazing back takes courage,
to look ahead engenders faith.

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